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omg >< i love this


i need a title...

AHH!! TRANSFORMERS CAME OUT TODAY!!! haha.. at 12:05 or something like that lol. i really want to see it ><>.anywho.. I really want to see it before i leave T_T I don't want to hang in tradegy about not being able to see transformers for a month... if it's still out in theaters for a month later. lol.

---ANYWHO!! lihan showed me this mini yamapi guy... DOES NOT LOOK LIKE YAMAPI lol.. and the video she showed me.. HAHAHAHAHA.. lol. it looked somewhat gay no offense.. lol. sorry lihan. lol But I remember him from somewhere.. like in a drama lol.. don't remember. he played like a younger brother or smth? IDK! lol. i'm probably wrong.

-- ohh. i had the weirdest dream! it was like.. just weird. haha. i was like from outer space or something and i went into earth but these people were trying to capture me but i just wanted to go home.. from outer space.. haha yea.. REALLY WEIRD lol. i just gave a short plot of my dream haha.

--- oh yes.. so yesterday i went out to eat at this Chinese restaurant and last time i went they gave a fortune cookies that said something like discrimination is the right path to a right mind or something like that lol.. and yesterday i was really looking forward to a fortune cookie.. but they didnt give us any!! haha..

-- oh also.. yesterday i went to walmart and they were selling high school lip balm.. haha i bought a central one xD they had wabonsie and north but no nequa SO HA TO JOLINE AND MICHELLE!! lol

-- well i dont feel like talking about asian stuff today lol. so i wont.. unless i find something CRAZY! lol.. but yea.. like the yamapi thing.. haha.. they call that kid mini yamapi? dosen't look like yamapi at all! haha okay i'll stop. haha.

Well thats it.. my short post with nothing korean lol just about
my boring life lol.. have fun :]

-------------------------------------------EDIT!! OMG!!---------------------------------------

OMGOMGOMGOMG!! haaha you know kimbum? right from bbf? lol HIS EX OMG! HAHAHA WHOA! LOLOL.. haha he used to date this girl that was nichkhuns gf! WHOA! OMG! T_T well.. it dosent seem like that much but if you watched what i was watching then OMG! AHHHH OMGOMGOMG!!! WHOA! CRAZY WHOA! okay so Nichkhun was on this show where they get a celebrity and a non celebrity and they become gf and bf for a week.. and nichkhun was eating dinner with his gf and gf's friends and then they said that she used to date kimbum! omg.. this is beyond crazy! WHOA! lolol... okay i'm done.. lol...

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